ЕВРОПЕИЗАЦИЈА У СРБИЈИ ПОЧЕТКОМ XXI ВЕКА Антрополошка анализа социокултурних промена у периоду евроинтеграција

Marija Brujić

In this book I analyse the Europeanisation of Serbia in the light of Euro-integration changes at the beginning of the 21 century. In public and academic discourse, Europeanisation is mainly understood as institutional, political, economic and legal adjustment to EU policies. However, the subject of this research is Europeanisation viewed as a set of socio-cultural changes which are considered to be “European”, in other words, which are seen to be a consequence of the European integration of the Republic of Serbia. In this respect, this research aims to understand self-perceptions of Europeanisation and changes in everyday life in Serbia. Th e research draws on a wide range of sources from ethnology and socio-cultural anthropology, sociology, history and European and political studies, as well as methods for quantitative research: the semi-structured and unstructured interview.


Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Srpski genealoški centar (Београд, 2016)

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