List of Musical Signs According to the Georgian Neumatic Codices of the 10th -11th Century

Ekaterine Oniani

Apstrakt: In Georgian neumatic system the homogenous signs are found with general graphics, but often with different details of shape. The difference is mainly related to the augmented size of the neumes, or to the prolonged ending of signs. Since the meaning of neumes is still kept in secret, it is impossible to ignore any of their graphic details. Possibly, each feature of the sign would have its unique purpose. Hence, the signs should be differentiated according to the detailed outlines from each other. It’s difficult to differentiate an individual handwriting of various scribes from a deliberate change made by author. Therefore, the classification of signs is the top priority in order to separate independent signs from their graphic variations. The list of musical signs allows systematizing the symbols, identifying the core of neumatic system and classifying the variants produced by the basic neumes. Despite the unification of Georgian neumatic system in the 10th -11th centuries, in the musical script of various monasteries distinguished can be the symbols with the outline characteristic only for them. The article reveals musical signs of rare outline, characteristic of different manuscripts, and presents a more or less complete list of musical signs.

Ključne reči: neumatic, list, signs, manuscript, graphic variation

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Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске, y. 2020, no. 20 (31), pp. 25-37