Avoiding dilemmas in film analysis: A proposal for emic perspective in anthropological analysis of cinematic dance in Greece

Mimina Pateraki

Apstrakt: IAnb tshtirsa cpta:p er we examine people’s critical views about sociopolitical reality in a suburb of Athens due to Greek financial crisis. We are doing so by asking them to comment about certain dancing scenes in films. By giving people the chance to respond to what they see we come to achieve a certain degree of interaction, which enables us to shape our analysis. We draw upon recent anthropological research and its attention to visual and media systems. According to this perspective, we suggest that people can guide research to a fruitful fieldwork leaving aside several presuppositions that sometimes result in dilemmas. For avoiding it, we make use of a questionnaire with open-ended questions. This works as a methodological tool that can transform people answering it from commentators into communicators of exchanging thoughts. The result is a creative understanding of the issues involved.

Ključne reči: cinematic dance, visual anthropology, film analysis, combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, “open-air” questionnaire, “favourite”, “unforgettable”, Korydallos, Greece

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Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске, y. 2015, no. 14 (25), pp. 29-48